Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Norma McCorvey, You So Crazy

Every time a U.S. Supreme Court judge retires, the question is always the same: will the new appointee uphold Roe v. Wade? The same is true today as the Senate Judiciary Committee questions nominee Sonia Sotomayor, who, if confirmed, will replace Justice David Souter.

On, Monday, July 13th, the first day of the Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings for Sotomayor, four protestors were arrested during the hearings for unlawful conduct – disruption of congress. One protestor, Norma McCorvey began yelling during Senator Al Franken’s (D-MN) opening remarks that Sotomayor was “wrong” about abortion. (Check it out on YouTube: about two minutes in.)

McCorvey, as it turns out, is better known as Jane Roe, the plaintiff in possibly the most famous and well-known Supreme Court case ever. Now, if you’ll hearken back to the days when you had time to watch Law & Order, the plaintiff is the person doing the suing. They are the person who is unhappy and wants something changed. In the case of Roe v. Wade, Roe was unhappy that her state, Texas, didn’t allow its citizens the freedom of abortion. The decision in Roe v. Wade, overturned that law, taking the decision away from the states, and legalizing abortion on a federal level. She wins, yay her.

So why is she screaming at Supreme Court nominee Sotomayor that abortion is wrong?

In the 1980s McCorvey revealed herself to be Roe, and in 1994 wrote an autobiography I Am Roe (what a creative title). At a book signing that same year, she was befriended by a pro-life activist and within a year converted to Christianity. McCorvey was baptized in 1995 in a backyard, swimming pool event that was filmed for national TV and announced shortly after (two days to be exact) that she had become an advocate for the pro-life movement.

Two years before the book was published, McCorvey split from her longtime partner. Partner, as in, yes, she’s a lesbian. I’m sorry, she was a lesbian until 1998 when she joined the Catholic Church. Not that those two things have anything to do with each other (Ha!).

In the case she claimed that her pregnancy was the result of rape, which she now says is not true.

Since all the ruckus, McCorvey has been a busy girl. So far this year, McCorvey has been arrested twice, once for disrupting Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings and once during the protest of President Obama’s commencement speech at the University of Notre Dame.

Check this out for more info on Norma McCorvey:

And check this out for a picture of McCorvey and her painted on eyebrows:


  1. I wonder what happened to her child?

  2. She actually has three children, but I'm not sure where they are now. If I were them, I think I would've changed my last name and gone into hiding.
