Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Christian Mafia - Sending us to Swim with the Fishes?

And today, something more than just a little creepy.

After the extramarital affairs of Senator John Ensign (R – NV), Former Congressman Chip Pickering (R – MS), and Former Senator (current Governor) Mark Sanford (R – SC) came to light, people have become more curious about the link between them all – C Street House.

So what is this place anyway? A house run by, and lived in by members of a Christian Conservative organization that calls itself “The Family” (or sometimes "The Christian Mafia"). The members historically include at least a dozen Congressmen at any one time. Currently, Joe Pitts (R-Penn.), Frank Wolf (R-Va.), Zach Wamp (R-Tenn.), Robert Aderholt (R-Ala.), Ander Crenshaw (R-Fla.), Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Jo Ann Emerson (R-Mo.), and John R. Carter (R-Texas) are all residents of the C Street House.

According to Jeff Sharlet, author of The Family, “[The Family is] the oldest Christian Conservative organization in Washington and it goes back seventy years to when the founder believed that God gave him a new revelation saying that Christianity had gotten it wrong for 2,000 years. And that what most people think of as Christianity as being about helping the weak and the poor and the meek and the down and out, he believes that God came to him one night in April 1935 and said what Christianity should really be about is building more power for the already powerful. And that these powerful men, who are chosen by God, can then, if they want to, dispense lessons to the rest of us through kind of trickle down fundamentalism.”

To see more of the disturbing interview, go here:

The Family also organizes the National Prayer Breakfast held on the first Thursday in February each year under the name “The Fellowship Foundation”. The National Prayer Breakfast is widely attended by most members of Congress, the President (who is also usually a speaker), and many foreign diplomats. Read more about Abraham Vereide who initiated the prayer breakfast idea, and is the founder of International Christian Leadership, The Family, and The Fellowship Foundation (technically all the same organization) here:

Let’s also not forget that the C Street House is actually owned by yet another organization, Youth With a Mission, who aren’t actually youth as far as I can tell. The group, who charges far less than market value for rent on the C Street House (seriously, these guys are paying even less than half of what I pay for rent on my apartment), has recently gone public with plans for Christian world control. Oh, how I wish I were kidding. The Youth With a Mission founder, Loren Cunningham, explains the 7 mountains of culture and how Christians must reclaim all 7 mountains in this video:

So you tell me, is fostering members of The Family within their own enclave part of reclaiming one of the mountains of culture? Because that’s certainly what it looks like from where I’m sitting.

1 comment:

  1. Man, that is creepy!! And what was it about the 1930s where everyone felt that they had to either take over the world or make some kind of crazy sweeping change?!

    Every day I see things that make me just want to escape this weirdness and go eat bugs in the forest. But then the bugs would probably rise up against me....
