'Twas the night before voting, when all through the Senate, All creatures were stirring, discussing their tenets
The healthcare debate must come to a close, the Senate will vote while the West coast will doze
The Senators nestled all snug in their seats, In hopes that the bill will not meet defeat
Hopefully hoping to go home at last, They’d been working much harder than holiday’s past
But out from the floor there arose such a clatter, we all sprang from our couches to see what was the matter!
Away to the news stations we flew like a flash, to cable, to internet and other such trash
The flashing of cameras at great shelves of books, giving the semblance of smartness to people with looks
When, what to my inquiring eyes should appear, but former Governor Sarah Palin! And her politics of fear!
With a lively old interviewer, just nice as heck, I knew it a moment it must be Glenn Beck
Knowing without doubt that his rivals were lame, he yelled and he shouted and he called them by name;
“Now Nancy, now Stewart, now Hoyer and Kerry! On Colbert, on Schumer, on Obama and Harry!
To the top of the ratings! To the top of them all! Now watch me, now watch me, now watch me,” he called.
As the Senate’s debating drew near to an end, with a bill full of provisions and a nation to mend
The protestors they came, to the capital they flew, with a bag full of signs and some firearms too
But then, in a twinkling, I read it online, they have all the votes to pass it on time
As I took off my glasses and was turning around, from my laptop there came an unmistakable sound
She was dressed in a skirt suit, her lipstick dark red, And her blouse neatly pressed, hair perfect on her head
In her hand she held over 2,000 pages, And all she can say is “it’s one for the ages”
Her eyes—how they twinkled! Her dimples so merry! Between you and me, she’s been into the sherry.
Not that I blame her with a nation so torn, though there’s not much to do but regard them with scorn
Who would like a Congress that does everything wrong? And is a big part of why this year’s been so long.
But don’t worry good people, 2010’s a new year, we’ll vote them all out and change will be near
For now though adieu as I must take flight, Happy Christmas to all and to all a Good Night
Hooray! That was awesome! :D