Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Resources and Re-education

Today I am giving you the opportunity to stop reading my blog. (Wow, did I really just say that?! I didn't mean it! I love that you read my blog!) What I'm really doing is giving you the opportunity to find out more about what you want to find out about.

Everything you need to know about the United States Congress in one place. As a joint project between two non-profit foundations, the site combines official government data (you know, all that legal mumbo-jumbo that only those crazy lawyers understand) with relevant Google news articles, and campaign contribution information from OpenSecrets. Which leads me to the next site you should definitely take a look at:

Their mission at OpenSecrets? "Inform, Empower & Advocate!" Let's face it, I'm all about empowerment so next time I need (or am just wildly curious for) information about campaign contributions or lobbying data, I'm definitely going there.

Show me the money!! Need I say more? (But seriously, for the more graphically inclined this site is pretty neat.)

Last, but certainly not least (drumroll please)! The data compiled by this website actually lets you see the timeline of contributions (including who's doing the contributing) and votes for each bill, and will actually show when the legislator received large donations before or after the vote. Yes, that's right, you can actually see that shady business right up in your face!

Happy researching!

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